
“How can I implement my platform?”

You have chosen to implement DocDokuPLM for your organization. We would like to thank you for your trust in us!

Several approaches are available to set up your Data Management solution :


You are stand-alone in installing and using DocDokuPLM. As an Open Source solution, free to download, the set up can be done by yourself.
However, according to your needs, we can guide you – with support, training, integration –  and/or develop extensions on a case by case basis.

Quick Eval

You don’t have any specifications. You know that you will benefit from a Business Data Management platform. But your needs are not clearly identified.
The DocDoku Team is guiding you during this maturation phase through the Quick Eval offer, providing a dedicated server loaded with your own data.

Project mode

Your requirements have been written, your specifications are available.
The DocDoku Team is guiding you during DocDokuPLM implementation, with a customized and integrated version to answer to your specific needs.

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